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Grafton Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

Monday, July 15, 2024, 10:00am

Hybrid Format



1. Call to order:

2. Public comment: 

3. Approve minutes of last meeting

4. Treasurer’s Report: 

5. Librarian’s Report:

6. Old Business:

Building Maintenance – 

Insulation Project – Attic Options/Recommendations – On hold for other repairs?

Insurance Recommended Repairs – Review HB bid

·         Monitored Fire/Smoke detection alarm system

·         Emergency lighting & exit sign repair

·         Additional light fixture in basementUpdate on Project status for: Window Repair, front porch, fire escape door, Close off/insulate stairwell & attic doors

Other building maintenance -

Standing water on the library lawn

Deck work update

7. New Business:

Approve 2024-2025 Annual Budget

Accept Resignation of Kathleen pending transfer of TIAA account access

8. Pending discussions:


Investment review

Green investing?

8.  Next Meeting: Monday, 8/26, 10:00 am

9. Adjournment