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Grafton Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Thursday, April 28, 2022



1. Call to order at 6:05

2. Public comment: NONE

3. Approve minutes of last meeting – minutes approved

4. Treasurer’s Report: $10,000 was transferred from the main fund.  We anticipate another transfer in May and then 2 in June. 

5. Librarian’s Report: 

·         Grafton Elementary is not hosting a summer school program this year.  Michelle is exploring other options.  She may do a back to school program, grab and go summer reading & activity kits, or partner in some way with the Nature Museum.

·         We hope to be able to resume Friday at the Library children’s programming again in the fall.

·         Vanessa Stern, formerly with the Nature Museum, now a new teacher at GES, is looking forward to working with the library in the fall.

·         There has been interest in starting a story hour for pre-school.  This will depend upon actual numbers of parents interested.

·         We may be able to bring back the gingerbread house display/fundraiser again with Christmas in Grafton.

·         We anticipate getting an ARPA grant for tech supplies.  We were not able to gather data in time to apply for another grant that may have helped with building updates.

·         Michelle plans to take some vacation time this summer.  According to current policy, she is entitled to 6 weeks of vacation time.  This policy should be reviewed as it may not be financially viable, we do not have volunteers to fully staff normal library hours while the librarian is out.

6.  Old Business:

Building Maintenance – 2022 building project(s) for consideration & bidding as necessary

·         Monitored Fire/Smoke detection alarm system – Countryside has been contacted.  Still trying to coordinate a site visit for an assessment and bid.

·         Emergency lighting & exit sign repair – electrician has been contacted and Jay will coordinate a site visit.

·         Additional light fixture in basement – see above.

·         Energy Audit – Michelle has been in contact with Energy VT, but they have not sent her the information as promised.

·         Heat Pump – Jay has generated a list of potential vendors:  HB Plumbing, Bart Energy, Cota & Cota, James, and Arnold Cray (Spelling?).  Jay will contact them about site visits and bids.  Bid requests should also be placed in the Grafton News, Athenian & Facebook.  Bids should consider using the current air duct system as well as individual room units.

·         Furnace was cleaned and is running at ~76% efficiency.

·         The interior of the building need painting – especially the reading and circulation rooms.  Michelle will check with the Inn to see who they use and Kathy will check with MKT to see who they are using.  Again, bids requests should be included in the Grafton News & Athenian, & Facebook.

6. Librarian Evaluation – Michelle continues to provide excellent service to the library as indicated by the comments on her evaluation as well as her evaluation score.  Her evaluation rating was 3.83.  Discussion regarding a potential salary increase was deferred until next month to coincide with initial 22-23 budget discussion.

8.  Next Meeting:  Thursday, May 26, 6:00pm – Hybrid Format