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Grafton Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
April 29, 2024
Zoom Format
In attendance:
Mary Beth Culver, Michelle Dufort, Jay Maciejowski, Kathleen Pajcic and
John Saroff
Call to order: 10:02 am
Public comment: none
Minutes from last meeting: Not approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
Kathleen contacted TIAA reps to make a transfer of
$15,000 from the main trust fund to checking in late April/early May and the
reps are working on it. She will make another transfer in mid-May and a third
in mid-June, until the allotted transfer amount for FY24 is met. The transfer
from the Jerry Steven’s fund will take place in mid-June as well.
Work is in progress on the draft FY25 budget and it will
be presented at the June meeting for review.
Librarian’s Report:
Michelle shared Steven Nolan’s plans for a memorial bench
for Dennis Hunt to be placed on the library porch. The bench was approved by
the trustees.
HB inspected and cleaned the furnace. No issues.
The next Neighbor to Neighbor (N2N) Lecture Series on April 28 with Harry Hudson: Intimacy of the Acoustic Guitar was very well received with 18 people in attendance and 4 dogs. Next offering to be firmed up and scheduled is a program about current events/social issues/politics in Europe on August 28 in the evening. John Saroff suggested we explore having some of the local organizations/businesses do a N2N presentation.
The Nature & Books Group will meet for the last time
on May 22 before taking a summer break. It will resume in the fall—in October.
Michelle will be physically out of the library for
medical reasons from June 24-roughly July 24. Volunteers and Angel Squires will
take care of basic operations at the library building. Michelle will be working
from home after a week’s recovery (more or less).
New Business:
The board reviewed the bids submitted for the three
projects: porch, emergency door and replacement and insulation of attic doors
and stairwell. They also reviewed one
bid for the electrical work. Michelle is to contact H.B. Energy for another bid
on the electrical projects. Michelle is to contact bidder Rich Leavy to ask him
for references. Rich is the only person who bid on all three of the projects
named. The other two contractors bid on portions of the work. After reviewing
references, the board will have an emergency meeting to make a decision about
the bid selection for the three projects. The electrical work will wait for
another bid or two.
Old Business:
The board will conduct performance evaluation for Michelle
in preparation for the adoption of the FY25 budget, with payroll figures
The draft of the FY25 budget will be available at the
June board meeting.
Next Meeting: No meeting on May 27—Memorial Day.
The board will meet on Monday, June 3, at 10am. Please contact Michelle
ASAP if you are not able to meet on this date.
Adjournment: 11:10 am
Minutes Respectfully Submitted by Michelle Dufort