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Grafton Public Library Board
August 15, 2019
Present: Michelle Dufort,
Mary Beth Culver, Deborah Toomey, David Whittall, Patrick Spurlock
Meeting called to order at
June Meeting Minutes were
reviewed and approved
Special Meeting Minutes of
August 1, 2019 were reviewed and approved as amended with the addition of
Craig’s last name, Ruggless.
Treasurer’s Report:
Reviewed the proposed budget
for 2019-2020
In general, the
budget was developed being conservative with income estimates and estimating
high on expenses using the last three years for reference.
Most of the
adjustments were made to more accurately reflect actual expenses.
software, & databases: We recently
updated the laptops which should be sufficient for the year. We may need to anticipate
replacing the computer and laptops next year.
E-books: We
currently have a very basic system. It
is meeting current needs, but if usage increases we may need to consider improved
Grafton Community
fund: There are no current needs
appropriate for the Grafton Fund.
We may want to
consider requesting an increase in town funding
The current
copier is not working well and needs replacement. Furniture & fixtures line should be
adjusted to reflect the anticipated purchase.
Our current
Comcast service is actual cable based, not fiber optic. Comcast indicated that when the cable goes
we’ll need to upgrade.
Grounds should
reflect the anticipated cost of tree limb removal
The increase in
snow removal reflects the changes in service for the coming winter.
Other services
include septic & extinguisher inspection.
The current
weatherization efforts are starting to need upgrades and or replacement.
(Deborah will assess the viability of assistance from Button-up VT.)
Board Members
should review the budget in anticipation of a vote at the September Meeting.
Librarian’s Report:
Reviewed written report:
Buildings & grounds:
The water was
tested and we are awaiting the results. The septic is scheduled for pumping.
Michelle is still
trying to get estimates for removing tree limbs that are currently rubbing on
the roof as well as those at risk to rub on the roof.
Summer Programs:
Adult groups are
going well and the raffles have been popular.
Café Loco, The
Hungry Diner, and Heritage Deli have all donated raffle items.
The collaboration
with the elementary school went very well and they would like to do it again
next year. The library doubled the
number of children who completed reading records.
Summer Encore
program went well
The auditor is
scheduled to be here 9/10/19. Michelle
has the necessary documentation organized.
The library
website has been updated
Michelle is
registered to attend several conferences & workshops. The transportation line should be increased
to reflect transportation costs.
There are Trustee
training opportunities available.
The building use
form needs to be updated to include grounds.
Barbara Friedman
will be here in September.
We should
anticipate the appeal letter going out in October.
Meeting adjourned at 7:40
Next Meeting: The fourth
Thursday of the month, Thursday, September 26, 2019, 6:30pm.
Respectfully Submitted:
Mary Beth Culver