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Grafton Public Library Trustees Meeting Minutes
August 20, 2015
Attending: Bob
Donald, Lucia Corwin, Christopher Schemm, Deborah Toomey, and Andrea Dunmire
Bob Donald brought the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.
The minutes from the July meeting were read and approved.
Librarian’s Report
Patrick Cooperman has suggested that the Library host a book
discussion of Daisy Turner’s Kin by Jane Beck prior to the author’s
arrival at the Grafton Inn to lecture in late October. The Library currently
has 2 copies of the book, both checked out. Michelle will order more for a book
Backpacks will be made by the Library for children which
will include a map to Journey’s End and a copy of the book, Daisy’s Doll.
Circulation increased greatly in July.
Since a sizeable portion of the librarian’s time was spent
the last month dealing with technology issues she contacted Computers by Ken.
He diagnosed the problem as a faulty router (which was what the IT support donated
by Jimmy Nieset thought might be the issue). Michelle has ordered a new router
and when it arrives she will contact Computers by Ken again and request that he
configure it to ensure that all the Library’s computers are configured properly
and work appropriately.
The automation project is continuing well. There are now 389
books entered into the Library World database instead of the 290 reported in
the Librarian’s Report.
Building and Grounds
Ivor Stevens will fill the holes on the Library lawn after
the Labor Day Book Sale. Lucia will call and ask that this be scheduled. The
estimate was $1,200.
Regarding the painting of the Library’s exterior, Lucia
contacted James Ravlin who was used by Frances Alford for her house. He
indicated that he will price the entire cost as well as breaking the painting
down for each side. Lucia will call and remind him to provide the estimate.
Lucia contacted Arbor View for an estimate regarding the
damaged trees on the Library lawn. An estimate should be forthcoming.
Treasurer’s Report
The Library’s Budget for FY 2015/16 is almost complete and
the few remaining figures should be ready to finalize by the next Board
Library Book Sale
Tasks for the upcoming book sale were refined. Boxes are
still needed. Tasks were finalized and the announcement requesting volunteers
for the book sale was given to the Grafton
News for inclusion in the September issue.
The question was asked as to whether the trailers will be
covered by the Library’s insurance? Yes, the borrowed trailers will be covered
by the Vermont League of Cities and Towns while they are sitting on the library
lawn waiting to be taken to recycling. Unfortunately, they will not be covered
by the Vermont League on the trip to recycling unless they are driven by a town
The trailers will be covered by the driver’s insurance under
certain circumstances. If it strikes and damages something while under tow,
insurance covers the damage it incurs. Any damage to the trailer itself is not
covered. That damage must be covered by the owner's insurance of their trailer.
The next meeting of the Board will be held on Thursday,
September 17th.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Deborah Toomey