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Grafton Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting

                                     Monday, December 9, 2024, 10:00am

                                                    Hybrid Format



Call to order: 10:10 am 


Public comment:  none


Approve minutes from last meeting:  Approved


Treasurer’s Report:   We have already received donations, which are not from the appeal letters.  Sarah sent her bill for all the moving and replanting of plants due to the construction.  Her bill was a bit lower than what was budgeted.  We do not have the total figures for the Gingerbread House fundraiser, but it will be much less than last year.


Librarian’s Report:  Bill Toomey’s Stories have been a great success in the past and it is expected it will be well attended next Sunday, the 15th.  The public computer should be replaced.  While the bids for the gingerbread house Silent Auction were much less than last year, the event was enthusiastically received and well attended.


Old Business:  We received two bids to do the electric work.  Lawrence and Lober’s bid was lower and the board voted to accept their bid to do the work. The board also voted to give Michelle permission to go forward with any minor variations in the final bill for the electrical work, without returning to board for an emergency meeting for approval.   For our long range plans, we do not have the funds for a new ramp.  We need to have the building painted, which will be discussed at a later date.


New Business: The annual appeal letters have been sent.  We have not yet heard back from the Select board as to whether or not our budget request has been approved. 


Pending Discussions:  Developing a new website.  Michelle will check with Morgan to find out who did the town’s site and it will be addressed at the next meeting.

Internet policy needs to be updated.

Investment review and green investing will be discussed at the next TIAA meeting on February 24, 2025


Next Meeting:  Monday, 1/27/25 at 10:00am


Adjournment: 10:55am