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Grafton Public Library Trustees Meeting Minutes

February 19. 2015


Attending:  Bob Donald, Lucia Corwin, Christopher Schemm, Michelle Dufort, and Andrea Dunmire (candidate for Trustee at March 4 Town Meeting)

Bob Donald brought the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.

There was no public comment.

The minutes from the January 15 meeting were approved.

Financial Report

The financial report through February 11th was presented. With some late donations, we have now effectively hit the Budget for Annual Appeal receipts.  Expenses are running close-to pro-rata Budget this fiscal year-to-date.  A TIAA-CREF year-end performance summary was also distributed, covering both the General Endowment and The Jerald Stevens Fund.  Combined year-end balance equals $1.033 Million.  A general discussion of the endowment funds, the Library’s spending rule, and restrictions on use of the Stevens Fund followed for Andrea’s benefit. 

Building and Grounds

No significant update.  Bob has yet to contact a structural engineer to examine the Hayes Room floor.  Various building needs in coming months were discussed briefly, and will be addressed further in the spring, including exterior painting, the Hayes Room floor, and the circulation desk area. 


Bob reported that he had reviewed the Library’s Personnel and Fiduciary policies for any required revisions in light of the start of health benefits for the Librarian and the Town taking over payroll processing.  The Fiduciary Policy seems fine as is.  The Personnel Policy should have a very minor revision added regarding benefits.  Bob offered to draft suggested language for the Board’s review at the March Trustee’s meeting. 

Board Composition

Andrea Dunmire will be running for the Trustee seat being vacated by Dylan Bate.  Town Meeting elections will be held on March 3, 2015.

Other Business

Bob reported that he had received a letter from Pat Jeziorski of the Grafton Historical Society asking for permission to examine old files in the Library attic potentially relating to Grafton’s involvement in the Underground Railroad in the 1840-50s this spring.  After discussion, the Board approved this request, with a Trustee being present while any files are reviewed.  Bob will notify Pat of this.

Bob distributed a letter he had received from the State Librarian notifying us that the Department of Libraries has decided to suspend the Minimum Standards Program this year, and will be appointing a new Library Standard Committee to review the program.  This will probably take a year or more to complete.

Automation Update

A ‘setback’ has been discovered in the juvenile fiction area, which had previously been thought completed.  Several Board members offered to help in completing this important project, and discussion ensued.  It was agreed that automation must be completed first before our Strategic Plan update can occur.  

Librarian’s Report

Materials for the Board had previously been distributed.

The Board authorized Michelle to contact an electrician for a lighting issue in the Children’s area. 

Michelle reported that she is working with Grafton Cares to present a program at the Library by Brattleboro Hospice.  The Board was very supportive of this effort. 

Michelle also reported on recent internet issues at the Library and recent conversations she has had with both Comcast and VTel, documented in a write-up she distributed.  VTel will be connecting the Library to the new fiber network on February 25.


There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert Donald