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Grafton Public Library Trustees Meeting Minutes

January 15. 2015


Attending:  Bob Donald, Lucia Corwin, Christopher Schemm, Deborah Toomey and Michelle Dufort

Bob Donald brought the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.

There was no public comment.

The minutes from the November meeting were approved.

Librarian’s Report

A new reading list “Millie’s List” has been created to honor long time library user Millie Haseltine. Every week Michelle would select books for her to read, and the list will continue that tradition with other community members adding suggested titles that Millie might have enjoyed.

A graphic novel section has been added to the juvenile collection to help encourage reading in reluctant readers.

Michelle reported that the library will participate in the Vermont Digital Economy Project Website Grant from the Vermont Department of Libraries (VDOL). Grafton will receive $600 and will use the money to request Rob Fish’s assistance in designing a new Grafton Library website that will incorporate photos. The new website will need to be easy to use and update and the Library Board will be beta testers once this has happened, most likely in the spring or summer.

The VDOL contacted Grafton to see if we could use a new Lenovo laptop. With automation to happen this year, the library certainly would make good use of it. Funds from the Windham Foundation grant that would have been used for the laptop, with Board approval, will be used to upgrade the scanner that will be used daily at the circulation desk to one recommended by Library World. Securing the new laptop was discussed since some buildings in Grafton have been broken into. After some discussion, the Board and the librarian felt that it would suffice to cover the laptop at the close of business.

Several of our long time volunteers who had asked for temporary suspensions (Marge Prouty, Chuck Dickison, Sandra Morrison) have indicated that they are interested in returning to their usual volunteer times. Michelle had trained two new volunteers, Charlie Carta and Barbara Nolan who are working regular hours. Charlie Carta has been especially flexible in working hours and this has been very much appreciated by the library staff.

Financial Report

The financial report through January 9th was presented. The current combined balances of the endowment and the Jerry Stevens Fund now exceeds $1 million. December was not an especially good month for the stock market. However, the library appears to be in fairly good shape for the future.

The annual appeal has provided less funding than initially budgeted. This was a concern of the Board since many Grafton donors gave to the Jerry Stevens Memorial Fund, impacting the monies collected during this annual funding request. At present, we are approximately $1,500 short of budget.

Automation Update

The juvenile fiction has been completed, and the juvenile non-fiction will be completed soon. Once this had been finished, the book records will be updated with the VDOL and the download process with the Vermont Union Catalog to Library World can begin to create a list of Grafton’s holdings. Then all books and materials will need to be barcoded and scanned.

Building and Grounds

The French door to the handicapped entrance has been completely replaced and looks nice. The new doors are more weather tight and the lack of drafts were noted by the Board during the meeting.

Other items that will need to be addressed are that the side of the building facing Main Street is peeling paint and will likely need to be painted this summer; the floors in the office space and Hayes Room have dips and sways and should be examined; and the circulation desk is inadequate and will become more of a problem when book circulation is automated.

Also discussed were the previous plans to renovate the building and a possible capitol campaign to address issues: handicap access, a meeting room that does not require rearranging the collections or climbing the stairs, and a possible community center area. Various suggestions on what collections could be moved to the second floor were made. Nothing was decided, but the needs were noted.


The town is requiring library personnel to complete forms required for Homeland Security. As a result, the library’s Personnel policy needs to be updated.  The Fiduciary Policy also needs examination to determine if it also needs updating. Bob indicated that he’d examine both policies and let the Board know what he finds at the next meeting.

Other Business

Several names were suggested and will be approached one by one to assess interest in becoming members of the Library Board. Time is short because the petition must be filed with the town by January 23 for the Town Meeting ballot. Lucia will contact a promising member to see if she is interested.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah Toomey