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Grafton Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting

Minutes of January 27, 2022




Present: Michelle Dufort, MaryBeth Culver, David Whittall, Lucia Corwin


Call to Order:  6:15 pm


Public Comment:  none


Approve minutes of last meeting:  approved


Treasurer’s Report:  We have surpassed our donation budget by $1,773 and Our Book Sale has exceeded our budget by $316.  The Town awarded approved the Library’s request for an additional $1,000 for tax support in our 2023 budget.


Librarian’s Report:     The Nature & Books Discussion continues to have robust interest.  We are scheduled with monthly programs through April.


The Page Turner’s Group is basically defunct because of Covid.  Michelle will attempt to restart the group later in the winter.


Michelle is waiting to hear from the Grafton Elementary School to get back to her about our offer of $400 for programs for the students, in cooperation with the Nature Museum.  She will contact the principal soon.


We received the VT DOL ARPA grant and the courier grant fund and they have been deposited.


Old Business:   The bid form for the porch repairs has been updated. 


Jay’s 10 Year Plan will be discussed at the next meeting so that he can be present.


The proposed Plan for Covid 19 Best Policies at the Library was reviewed and accepted.


New Business:  The new trustees are all set to run for the Library Board.  We will welcome them at our March meeting.  Depending on Covid 19, we hope to introduce them to the town later in the spring.  David's and Sue Allen's service will be acknowledged at that time as well.


Next Meeting:  February 24, 2022 at 6:00 pm


Adjournment:   7:05