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Grafton Public Library Board of Trustees Minutes

Monday, June 26, 2023, 10:00am

  Hybrid Format



1.      Call to order:  10:10


2.     Public comment: none


3.     Approve minutes of last meeting:  delayed to next month.


4.     4. Treasurer’s Report:   All transfers have been made.  The 2024 Budget is complete, reflects the increase in salaries and includes all grants.


5.     Librarian’s Report:  tabled


6. Old Business:  John Birch and Will Reed of Vermont Foam Insulation met with the Board to discuss the possibility of using closed cell foam for insulation given our concerns following the VT Digger article.  All questions and observations of what the building needs were discussed.  We concluded that it would be prudent to have a roofer inspect our roof and wait to hear from the consultant from Burlington before we proceed with the attic.  We will proceed with the basement in July.  John and Will agreed to provide a list of customers who insulated similar buildings. Pending the coming information, we will vote on whether to continue insulating the attic, aiming for a fall installation.  Since we have already sent in a down payment for half of the entire job, they will refund the difference.


7. New Business: tabled


8.  Next Meeting: July 24, 2023, 10:00am


9. Adjournment:  11:10