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Grafton Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes


Thursday, June 27, 2019

 6:30 pm



The meeting was called to order at 6:38 p.m.  Attendees at the meeting were Lucia, Patrick, Deborah, David and Michelle.  There was no one from the public at the meeting.  The minutes from the May 23rd meeting were approved. Patrick gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Michelle gave the librarians report, Ray Lisai painted the Handicapped ramp railing, the front porch and washed all of the windows.  Sarah Yarosevich completed the spring garden cleanup. Thank you will be sent to Ray and Sarah.  The maple near the building needs to be trimmed, as it is rubbing the roof.  The front door and screen need repairs, taking recommendations.


Pat Mack covered for the librarian while she was on vacation and asked not to be paid for it. A thank you will be sent to Pat.


Pat Mack and Sandra Readler have been reorganizing the book sale room and it is looking great.  The librarian has been culling the books in the book sale room to make more room and they are being taken to recycling. We are looking into send some overstock books to the Springfield Armory book sale.


Our summer reading theme is “A Universe of Stories”.  Adult offerings—we are holding three

raffles this summer, tied to book recommendations submitted by patrons and reading group

attendance. The first book club and raffle took place on June 25—13 people attended and Kim

Bank won 2 key lime pies.  Future raffles will be on book group dates (July 23 and August 27).  Michelle will be creating a book recommendation newsletter from patron’s submitted book

recommendations to distribute in the summer.



Family offerings—Kids who read 10 books and record them on a book list or do 10 activities

from a sheet will get a gift certificate to The Scoop Shack.  The librarian will be attending the Grafton Elementary School’s summer school program to host library programs with the children

attending.  She’s waiting to hear from the director about dates, but has scheduled a

performance of the Summer Encore Theatre at GES on July 22nd at 1pm.  We are paying for this

with our VT DOL grant of $200, which we just received this week. Michelle will be distributing

reading records and activity sheets at summer school and encouraging them to complete them.



Michelle will also run the library booth at the town party again this year on July 27. The Library also has Parks and Museum Passes and is participating in the Passports to Vermont Libraries

program.  Information is on display at the library and has been distributed to our library volunteers.


Volunteer Appreciation went well, more people need to help with cooking.


Barbara Freedman from TIAA will be at the September 26th library board meeting to report on the Main Trust and Jerry Stevens accounts.


The library needs to be more assertive with the town for budgeting. The budgeting needs are for basement work, furnace, painting the library, tree trimming and technology costs.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m. The next meeting will be on the 25th of July.


Respectfully submitted,




David Whittall