Grafton Public
Library Board of Trustees Meeting
Minutes of June 27,
Present: Michelle Dufort, MaryBeth Culver, Lucia
Corwin (virtual), John Saroff, Jay Maciejowski (phone)
Call to Order:
10:05 am
Public Comment:
Approve minutes of last meeting: approved
Treasurer’s Report:
The budget is on track, but with little to spare for building projects
in late summer.
$12,840 has been transferred to checking from the main fund
and $7535 has been transferred to checking from the Jerry Stevens fund.
Librarian’s Report: The Spanish Group and the Page Turners Book
Group attendance continues to be enthusiastic.
While there are no children’s programs this summer due to lack
of summer school in Grafton and reduced number of families with children in the
village visiting the library, there are activities, books and book bags ready
to go as needed.
All library financial reports are up to date and we are
ready for a meeting with the state auditor in July.
All files will be transferred to our new laptop this week.
Michelle will be on vacation July 2 to the 9th
but the library will continue to be open—but will be closed on Monday for the 4th
of July.
Old Business:
Countryside will visit the library for an estimate for a smoke detection
system on July 12. Michelle will contact
ADT to get a second estimate.
Rob Hallock will be contacted to give us an estimate to
repair our emergency light, exit sign and add a light in the basement.
We are still waiting for an energy audit.
Hometech LLC has responded to our request for an estimate
for painting the interior of the reading room and desk area. The total is $7,874.95 including all the
windows. Since we need two more
estimates, John will look into putting ads on digital media boards and Michelle
will advertise via email and poster.
New Business: Kathleen and Pat Mack
are planning on working together on the Gingerbread Project.
Next Meeting: July 27, 2022 at 10:00 am
Adjournment: 10:55 am