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Grafton Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting

Monday, June 3, 2024

Hybrid Format



Call to order:  10:07 am


Public Comment:  Wendy Martin attended the meeting to let us know how the newly passed bill S.220 affects libraries across the state.  The bill increases protection for libraries and patrons as regards “soft censorship”. It protects patrons age 12 and up from having their library records disclosed to parents against their will.  Libraries are required to draft and adopt policies displays, meeting room use, internet use, etc.

Wendy also briefed us on the history of the library becoming a municipal library and the responsibilities that places on our library.  She also shared the changes over the years such as changes in hours and programming, as well the yearly amount we have asked from the town.  

Wendy observed that our endowment is often misunderstood by the town.


Treasurer’s Report: Michelle presented the draft budget for 2025.  She was waiting for the Trustees decision on raises before finalizing the budget.  The June financial report was accepted by the trustees.


Librarian’s Report:  All library financial reports and reconciliations are up to date.  A projector has been purchased for in-house as well community use.


There is no starting date for the construction work, but we should hear soon.  We have a bid for the electrical work, except for changing the circuit box and a light in the basement.   HB will get back to us with those items included. The wet area in the back of the property has dried up, probably because of the work the Foundation did on their pipe. Michelle was asked if there were any other building projects that need attention and she listed: new carpet cleaning, power washing front of building, hardwood floor maintenance and removal of the grate on the handicapped ramp that is impeding easy access.


The Neighbor-to-Neighbor Lecture Series has been very successful.  The latest was Barbara Cary’s presentation on her trip to the border.  The next Lecture will be a panel discussion with Liisa Kissel and two German friends on European politics and Ukraine on August 28th.


Old Business:  Michelle gave a brief review of the confusion with the Selectboard regarding the municipal status of the library.  The confusion about the library’s municipal status caused a great deal of consternation, with the select board minutes of May 20th still reflecting misinformation. The Trustees will be responsible for any further discussion should it arise. Michelle suggested that an information-sharing meeting with two trustees, town hall staff (including the Town Administrator and Town clerk), and the library director be scheduled to share documents about the library’s municipal status, to decide where the documents should best be kept at Town Hall for easy access and to ask the office staff for their input about how best to keep SB members etc. informed about the library, including the better facilitation of communication between town hall and library. John Saroff agreed that town hall employees are best suited to carry on these tasks, just as in federal and state government offices, as elected officials are more transitory and not always as familiar with policies and procedures.


New Business:   Michelle’s and Angel Squire’s evaluations have been completed. The result of Michelle’s evaluation was a very high 3.94. 

 Michelle presented several possibilities for FY25 salary increases for Angel and herself, based on different percentages. She recommended a 5% increase for Angel, because her hours will be increasing by a little more than 40%.  Angel’s salary in FY25 will reflect any raise applied, as well as the increased hours.

The Board went into executive session to vote on salary increases.    The board of trustees voted to increase library director Michelle Dufort’s salary from $22.72 per hour to $24.54 per hour in FY25, an 8% hourly increase, starting July 1, 2024.   The board of trustees followed Michelle’s recommendation to increase Angel Squire’s salary from $15.94 to $16.74 in FY25, a 5% hourly increase, starting on July 1, 2024. Angel’s annual hours will increase from 162 to 234 as well. 


Next meeting:  June 24 2024 at 10:00 am 


Adjournment:  11:05 am