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Grafton Public Library Trustees Meeting Minutes

May 24, 2018


Attending:   Lucia Corwin, Andrea Dunmire, Deborah Toomey, David Whittall, and librarian, Michelle Dufort

Deborah Toomey called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm.

The minutes of the April 26, 2018 and the special meeting of May 14th were read and approved.

Librarian’s Report

Various park passes are available again this summer for Grafton families from the American Precision Museum, the Retreat Farm Petting Zoo, various Vermont historical places, and Vermont State Parks. These are stored behind the circulation desk and may be borrowed for reduced or free entry.

The book sale room is very full and new donations need to be sorted, some shelved, but some placed in boxes for the upcoming book sale in September. Notices of the sorting subjects are on top of the microwave for any Board member with a bit of time to help out.

Many thanks to Ray Lisai who painted the porch in time for the Memorial Day ceremonies. Michelle used monies from petty cash to purchase flowers from the Grafton greenhouse for the urns out front and Sarah Yarosevich planted them. The gardens Sarah groomed last year are looking lovely. Many thanks to her for her hard work.

Michelle is working to finish ordering new books for the end of this fiscal year.

Computers by Ken charged this time but his fees were reasonable and saved the library funds by preventing us from having to purchase a new computer.

Treasurer’s Report

The Library’s operations are within the budget. The TIAA and Stevens Funds will have to be drawn down in mid-June to meet the end of fiscal year funding. Bob provided the TIAA report for this month. At present, Library funds look to be in good shape.

The Paulsen Fund has been almost totally used up for this fiscal year. This donation of $500 is used exclusively for children’s materials. $100 goes to Baby Bookbags to welcome our newest residents, $200 is used to purchase children’s audio-visual materials, and the remaining $200 is used to purchase books. Mr. Paulsen has not yet checked in to the Library regarding next year’s funding. The Board is grateful for the ongoing support of our children’s program and hopes that it will continue.

Barbara Friedman of TIAA has asked to meet with the Board at our September meeting and this was approved by the Board.



Building and Grounds

Gus Plummer installed new lights on the ground floor, making the space look brighter. Because the Board opted to replace all the lights, Gus did not charge a recycling fee.

Bob Donald signed the agreement with Vermont Correctional Industries to construct our new circulation desk, librarian’s desk and display table. Michael LaCoss indicated that the production time would be 6 to 8 weeks and that he would notify the Library a week prior to completion so the current desk can be dismantled and the area cleared. David Whittall and Charlie Carta have offered to dismantle the old circulation area. Young strong community members are needed to help move the very heavy librarian’s table, other tables, and the card catalogs upstairs. The Board decided that the card catalogs would be offered for purchase at the annual book sale in September labeled “Make an Offer.” If no one has expressed interest after 2 hours, the label will be changed to “Free.”

Bob Donald has a meeting scheduled with Efficiency Vermont for June 6th. After he meets with them, the Board will decide on the oil tanks, water heater, and perhaps, the furnace.

Lucia reported on her examination of chairs at Staples in Keene. Several models were on display with one quite inexpensive and three others within a few dollars of each other. All seemed to have good lumbar support, moveable arms and seats that could be adjusted. Lucia recommends that before any purchase Michelle try them out to see what will best meet her needs and those of the volunteers.


The volunteer brunch is scheduled for 11:30 a.m. Sunday, June 24th. The list of tasks and the assignments were discussed. Because Michelle is scheduled for surgery June 22, extra help will be needed for set up. David will arrive early to help. The list of tasks and the Board members who have chosen them is attached.

The next meeting of the Board will be Thursday, June 28th at 7 p.m.

The meeting adjoined at 8:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Deborah Toomey, Secretary