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Grafton Public Library Trustees Meeting Minutes

October 15, 2015

Attending:  Bob Donald, Andrea Dunmire, Lucia Corwin, librarian Michelle Dufort

Bob Donald brought the meeting to order at 6:35 PM.

Librarian’s Report

Michelle reported that there had been an excellent turnout of 32 attendees for the recent Daisy Turner book discussion at the Library.  The Board voted to agree with the Historical Society’s request for the Library to donate extra copies of the book to the Society.  The ‘Support for People Experiencing Loss’ program is moving to Saturdays, the French program ending.  She reported briefly on the Automation project, which continues to proceed.

Financial Report

Bob distributed copies of the latest financial report for the fiscal ytd.  We are running essentially ‘on budget’ so far this year.  He also distributed copies of the TIAA-CREF summary reports as of September 30 for both the main endowment fund and the Jerry Stevens Memorial Fund.  As with most investment funds, the 2015 third quarter was a disappointing one for the Library’s funds, with negative performance.

Building and Grounds Issues

The sinkholes on the Library lawn have recently been filled by Ivor Stevens, as agreed. 

Bob reported on his appearance before the Select Board on October 5 regarding needed tree removal on the Property (two trees – Maple and Pine).  There was no voiced disagreement that this is a Town responsibility, but the inevitable issue of ‘how to pay for it’ is unresolved.  Bob will follow-up with Town Hall. 

A very attractive bid to paint the entire Library building in the spring of 2016 was received from Haskell House Painting.  Bob is to provide Lucia with the names of two other potential painting contractors who have been used in the past by the Windham Foundation.  All agreed that the Board would like to resolve this issue soon, and lock-in a schedule for the spring. 

Fundraising Letter

Andrea agreed to draft the 2015 fundraising letter and circulate to Board members for comments.


Other Business

All present pass-on their best wishes to Deborah Toomey for quick medical recovery.

Michelle will confirm continued snow plowing services with Karl Lauren of the Windham Foundation.

The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board will be on Thursday, November 19, at 6:30 PM.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM.


Respectfully Submitted,

Bob Donald
