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Grafton Public
Library Trustees Meeting Minutes
October 22, 2020
Jay Maciejowski, David Whittall, Michelle Dufort, Mary Beth Culver, Sue
to Order at 6:04
Comment – none
Treasurer’s Report
Sue Allen reported that the library budget appears on track
as the fiscal year progresses. We have $11,345 in checking, so we've not needed
to make any transfers from TIAA.
Town clerk Kim Record
let us know about an increase for MVP health insurance costs for 2021. Our
current monthly total is $663.63. It will be going up to $673.78 per month.
Health insurance is covered by the Jerry Stevens' Fund and we have $7,240 to
transfer in FY21. This income will more than cover the increase.
Sue and possibly
Michelle are scheduled to meet with TIAA Portfolio Manager and Wealth
Management Advisor next week for the Periodic Goal Review.
Michelle has reached out to
one of our foundation accounts to request financial assistance on the new
carpeting purchase.
Library programs, including the Tuesday afternoon book group
and children’s programming with the GES/Nature Museum, are going well. The
library has a number of new patrons from these programs and from folks moving
to town. A bid has been selected for carpeting; Ray Lisai will take down the
dead crab apple tree for us free of charge; the board agreed that the tree
should be replaced.
Annual appeal letters
have been sent and checks are arriving. Note: the library will be closed Nov.
25, 26, and Nov. 30-Dec. 5.
Jay put together a long-range maintenance plan for the
library. The list of potential upcoming projects include work on the porch,
exterior and interior painting, furnace maintenance and more. Jay asked for
other projects that should be added to the list. The board decided that
checking the safety of the porch was the biggest priority. Members also hoped
to eliminate snowfall on the outdoor ramp to the side door used by patrons with
mobility issues, and time interior painting with the installation of the new
Minutes: Approved minutes of Sept. 24, 2020
Adjourned at 7:02
Meeting: Virtual and in-person, December 17, 6pm. No meeting in November.