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Grafton Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting

Monday, October, 28 2024

All trustees present with John Saroff on Zoom


Call to order:  10:15 am


Public Comment: none


Approve minutes of last meeting:  approved


Treasurers Report:  The Financial Report was reviewed and accepted.  The capitol budget committee will meet on November 4 at 6pm at the Select Board Meeting.   The Board will be asking the town for an increase in tax support.


Librarians Report:  All library financial reports and reconciliations are up to date.

We have been awarded $683.80 in grant funds from the VT DOL 2024 Interlibrary Loan Courier System Grant.  The check will be arriving soon.  Michelle ordered Covid tests and will distribute them to library volunteers/staff first, then to patrons.  The Windham Foundation has been clearing the leaves. Michelle will check to see if they will continue plowing for us.  She will also contact Ivor Stevens about shoveling and filling out a contract.  Sarah has completed moving and reinstalling the gardens and raised $165 for us at the plant sale.  A note will be sent and she will be compensated for her time.

We will host a simple Halloween crafts and short read-aloud followed by Trick or Treating on the 31st.


Old Business:  We have yet to find an electrician to work on the insurance recommended repairs. 


New Business:  All work has been completed by Southern Vermont Homes.  The Gingerbread House Extravaganza is on December 7th but we will begin accepting houses the previous week.  The library will be open from 10:00 to 4:00 on the 7th while we are running the Silent Auction.

We have had a number of issues with our technology.  Once again, Ken proved to be invaluable in installing a new router, completing updates to our laptops, and recommending that the public computer be replaced.  We were having problems due to a Netgear extender that out neighbor had installed.  The extender has been removed.  However, the incident pointed out the fact that we need to review and update our Internet Policy.


Next meeting:  December 9, 2024 at 10:00 am


Adjournment:  11:04 am