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Public Library Trustees Meeting Minutes
September 16 2014
Attending: Bob Donald, Lucia Corwin, Dylan Bate,
Christopher Schemm, Michelle Dufort, Deborah Toomey
Bob Donald called the meeting to order at 6:35
p.m. There was no public comment and the minutes of August 21, 2014 were
approved as amended.
Michelle sent a full report to the board (attached
to the minutes). The Hayes plaque needs to be moved from the office to the
reading room. Bob indicated that he’d take care of its move.
The annual appeal letter needs to be drafted.
Michelle will send previous appeal letters to Deborah who will draft the
letter. The board will then review the draft, make changes so the letter will
be ready in good time.
Larry Middleton is gravely ill and has been a
stellar volunteer at the library. Lucia, who knows Larry well, will draft a
letter to him from the board thanking him for his service.
report is deferred until next month. Bob reported that the library made $1,761
at the book sale. We made the amount we had hoped and budgeted for, plus
another hundred dollars. There was an extremely large volunteer effort in both
setting up and taking down the tables and members of the board expressed their appreciation
to the Grafton community on their help and support.
Project Status
time required for the book sale impacted automation progress. However, the
non-fiction is almost complete through the 900’s and biographies have been
and Grounds
The new balsam tree will be planted on the
library lawn tomorrow, September 17th. Bill Brown, the president of
the Grafton Improvement Association, has promised to be on hand to oversee the
reported that the French doors from the handicapped ramp into the library are
badly damaged by dry rot and need to be attended to prior to winter. It is
likely that the doors will need to be replaced and the small spot of dry rot on
the lower left area of frame will also need to be mended.
will contact Jaime Gregory again regarding the library lawn.
gutters have all been cleaned in preparation for winter, but will need
attendance after the leaves fall.
large bag of salt needs to be procured prior to winter as well; the stairs and
walk can be treacherous with ice. Sand and dirt do not work as well and are
tracked in.
Brown will be contacted and asked to shovel and clear snow again this winter.
will contact the fuel company to see if cleaning the furnace is part of the
library’s oil contract. The furnace should be cleaned prior to the heavy
heating season.
Bate has been filling in as library trustee, working the book sale and
attending meetings. The board expressed their gratitude to him for his
extending his service. However, now that school has started, he has less time
to devote, and a new board member is needed to fill the position vacated by
Kevin Neathawk. Michelle will ask that a notice be put in the Grafton News in
News in Brief, rather than the Library Corner in the hopes that it will get
more attention.
The board adjourned at 7:35 p.m. and went into
Executive Session to discuss the Jerald L. Stevens Memorial Fund.
Respectfully submitted,
Deborah Toomey