
Board Meeting Minutes

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Grafton Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes


 September 27, 2018



Attending:  Bob Donald, David Whittall, Andrea Dunmire, Lucia Corwin, Deborah Toomey

Bob called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.


Barbara Friedman of TIAA attended the meeting to update the Board on the status of our endowment funds. The stock market has been performing well and as a result, both the Library Endowment and the Jerry Stevens Fund have grown, with the Endowment valued at $934,767 and the Stevens Fund at $161,462 as of September 20, 2018. The funds have experienced a net gain of $254,000 and $8,000 respectively over their lifetimes even after distributions. After reviewing the funds and answering questions from the Board, Barbara excused herself. The regular Board meeting progressed.


The minutes of August 23, 2018 were reviewed and approved. In addition, the minutes of July 26 were also reviewed and approved.


Librarian’s Report


The Board reviewed Michelle’s report in her absence from the meeting. As a result, the following actions were approved:

·         Deborah will write personal notes of thanks to Charlie Carta and Ray Lisai.

·         The Board approved Charlie Carta’s reinstalling the old shelves.

·         Andrea will craft the annual appeal letter. She asks that everyone make language suggestions. Bob will send her last year’s letter. If it can be completed by and approved at the next meeting, we should be able to send out the letter in a timely fashion.

·         The Board does want water testing done. Deborah was hacked and lost all email in her inbox. Bob will ask Michelle to resend links and/or Deborah and David will review emails to find the information.


Building and Grounds


The new circulation desk, librarian’s desk, and display desk were reviewed by the Board. All were delighted by the professional look of the furniture and distressed to see that the circulation desk storage was missing. Deborah brought her copy of the proposal submitted by the Vermont Correctional Industries (VCI) and on the submitted drawings, no shelves were included. Deborah gave her copy of the layout from Hale that we worked from to the VCI representative, and Lucia will find her copy with her notes so we can review them. We are certain that the drawers are included in them. However, they were left off the submitted proposal and the Desk Committee did not notice this when the plans were reviewed and approved. The Board discussed asking VCI to make and install shelves in the circulation desk after our working document is reviewed.


New Business


The Board discussed giving the Assistant to the Librarian a raise and approved a $.50/hour raise to go into effect immediately.


The next meeting of the Board will be October 25 at 7 p.m.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Deborah Toomey,
